Gitify Changelog

Changes that may have an impact on backwards compatibility (i.e. they may break existing workflows) are marked with [BC].

Current development (master)

  • Small speed optimization (~ 10%) to Gitify build --force (#78)
  • Passing arguments to Gitify build and Gitify extract now restricts building/extracting to those specific data partitions/folders (#51, #26)
  • Escape password in backup/restore commands so they work with special characters in the password

0.7.0 - 2015-03-31

  • Add new Gitify backup and Gitify restore commands (#39)
  • Fix issue with installing packages where it proceeds to install FormIt2db if FormIt is already installed (same with MIGX)
  • Make sure installing packages works properly when the package name isn't the same as the signature (#74)

0.6.0 - 2015-03-30

  • Fix silly <note> in output from install:modx
  • Add new truncate_on_force option that accepts an array of class names that need to be truncated before building (#73) - see the wiki
  • Show a helpful warning if the user forgot to run composer install (#67)
  • With install:package, prefer exact matches over provider order to ensure the right packages are installed (#58)

0.5.2 - 2015-03-05

  • Add new --interactive (-i) flag to install:package --all command to interactively install all packages defined in .gitify file
  • Fix issue where composite primary keys have the default value (e.g. sources.odMediaSourceElement) and it can't build those objects (#65)
  • Fix issue with modCategory objects and force building (#66)
  • Make sure TVs are inserted into the resource file alphabetically (#54)

0.5.1 - 2015-02-26

  • Fix duplicate paths in file name if alias contains a folder structure
  • Fix issue where in some cases, if the content was empty any field that can be compared to empty is removed from the file

0.5.0 - 2015-02-08

  • Add package support with install:package [packagename] and install:package --all based off the .gitify file (#3)
  • Apply the --force flag to all content types (#47)

0.4.1 - 2015-01-27

  • Fix install:modx command being called in Gitify init (#42)
  • Don't exclude createdby/createdon keys from resources by default; could result in lost data on build --force

0.4 - 2014-12-31

  • Add time and memory usage statistics (#34)
  • Fix PHP warning: Illegal offset type when using composite primary keys (#36)
  • Fix issue where resources in different contexts don't get built because of conflicting URIs (#35)
  • Make sure cases where saving a resource/object fails get logged to the terminal

0.3 - 2014-12-23

  • [BC] Fix build issue with ContentBlocks (and probably other extras) caused by automatically expanding JSON
  • Improve information provided during build and extract, including more verbose logging with -v or --verbose flag
  • Fix undefined method issue in build command
  • Catch YAML parse exceptions so it doesn't kill the entire process on an invalid file
  • Prevent Gitify from trying to build dotfiles
  • Ensure file path transliteration/filters also works pre MODX 2.3
  • Simplify the number of options that are added by default to all commands.
  • Add ability to specify the MODX version to download/install in Gitify install:modx [modx_version]
  • Add support for TVs on resources, automatically added on extract.
  • Add ability to read composite primary keys, when primary is set to an array in the .gitify data object. (thanks @ahaller)
  • Skip modStaticResource in the content extraction to prevent issues with binary file content (thanks @ahaller)
  • [BC] Apply transliteration and other filters to file names to ensure the names are safe to be used.

0.2 - 2014-12-19

  • Refactor based on Symfony's Console component and Composer
  • [BC] Slight change in the content separator (an extra \n) so there is now an empty line before and after the 5 dashes.


  • Early alpha, first prototype presented at the MODX Weekend